The Legacy of
Alpha Kappa Alpha
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® is the first greek-letter organization established by African-American collegiate women. Founded in 1908 on the campus of Howard University in Washington D.C.,
Alpha Kappa Alpha continues to bond women of like character with the purpose of bettering their communities through service, sisterhood, and scholarship.
Learn more about the legacy of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. at
The Chi Alpha Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. is a part of the Confident, Charismatic, and Charmed Central Region. The Central Region is home to the sorority's international headquarters in Chicago, IL, and is the birthplace of the sorority's founder, Ethel Hedgeman Lyle.
Learn more about the Central Region at
Miner Hall, Howard University, Washington, D.C.
Birthplace of Alpha Kappa Alpha, Sorority, Incorporated®
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